Some says, the measure of a man is laid upon his word. Thus, to fulfill my destiny as a man, let me deliver the following remarks as a price for my own words.
Letter Of Apology
I, Yosua Mahardika Putra, hereby apologize for my careless act of not including the activity of "chatting with my friend, Ms. Esperanza Wendyono" as a part of my important activities mentioned earlier at this blog.
There. I said it. I paid my promise.
Back to the measure of a man. Martin Luther King, Jr. said (and I quote) "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." And so, as a proof to my manhood I accept a daring out-of-my-comfort-zone challenge. As some of you might known, I am not a person with a high level of tolerance towards chilli (Gave me anything hot, and I'll sweat like a pig). And so to eat a super hot ramen is absolutely out of my habit.
Unfortunately, Christy came to me at lunch time and informed me that there is a challenge next to the place I was sitting. The challenge was set by the management of a certain restaurant. The challenge itself was to eat a super-hot ramen in 20 minutes. Those who managed to do the challenge in the given time, will receive a handsome reward of one free meal in the restaurant with a certain menu.
A man needs to hold his pride and dignity high, and as simple as that logic, I need to do this as a test to myself. A big-time-eater as I am cannot be beaten by such an easy challenge, can I? And so I stupidly fell into the challenge.
There. I said it. I paid my promise.
Back to the measure of a man. Martin Luther King, Jr. said (and I quote) "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." And so, as a proof to my manhood I accept a daring out-of-my-comfort-zone challenge. As some of you might known, I am not a person with a high level of tolerance towards chilli (Gave me anything hot, and I'll sweat like a pig). And so to eat a super hot ramen is absolutely out of my habit.
Unfortunately, Christy came to me at lunch time and informed me that there is a challenge next to the place I was sitting. The challenge was set by the management of a certain restaurant. The challenge itself was to eat a super-hot ramen in 20 minutes. Those who managed to do the challenge in the given time, will receive a handsome reward of one free meal in the restaurant with a certain menu.
A man needs to hold his pride and dignity high, and as simple as that logic, I need to do this as a test to myself. A big-time-eater as I am cannot be beaten by such an easy challenge, can I? And so I stupidly fell into the challenge.

By the fifth minute, my body started to reject what I was eating. I started to shiver. The next phase involve goosebumps and choking on green onions. Rest assured, I will never do such thing again (STUPID EGO!!!).
However, I have proved to myself that I can if I want to. I finished the entire meal in precisely 11 minutes and 13 seconds. Of course, it is not a record-breaking time. But coming from someone who dislike chili, I earned my friends' respects (including Christy's who finished her ramen in 4 minutes).
With you, Ladies and Gentlemen, I share this winning (the price is not for share, of course. Afterall, I'm the one who still got an upset stomach up until now). As every man has his own battles, I won this one.
2 komentar:
omg.. a girl finishes a bowl of ramen before u.. WAYYYYY before u
eh lu ada facebook ga sih...gila uda lama banget ga ketemu
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